One of the most hotly debated topics in haircare is how often you should wash your hair. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer I can give you or a universal rule of thumb to follow. However, you should treat your hair like you treat your skin. The same way you’ve figured out how to keep your skin clean, you should try out new haircare routines and experiment with different washing regimes/products - all to find what keeps your hair shiny and clean the longest.

how often should you wash your HAIR?

Regardless of your hair type, whenever your scalp feels greasy, dirty or smelly, you should wash your hair.

If you go long periods of time without washing there will be a build up of natural oils, bacteria, dead skin cells and cause greasy hair. But, if you wash your hair every day you may possibly over-stimulate the oil glands situated beneath your scalp and may eventually experience oily hair.

If you are dealing with hair loss or damaged hair, washing your hair frequently might seem counterintuitive. In the hair world, washing your hair everyday is an absolute no-no by stylists. But experts in the trichology world, such as myself, suggest it to clients to encourage and promote a healthy scalp.

what happens if you don’t wash your hair?

Not washing your hair sufficiently can cause scalp issues like dandruff, scalp acne and excessive greasiness. Healthy hair needs a clean scalp, as blocked or clogged follicles can inhibit quality hair growth.

From a trichology standpoint, not washing your hair at all isn’t recommended as it impacts hair health. Your hair sheds between 50 – 100 hairs a day and avoiding washing your hair means these strands will accumulate sebum and dandruff on your scalp. So, if you want to eradicate those bad hair days, find your “sweet-spot” for how often you’re washing your hair. 

how do you prolong time between washes?

Drying sulphates are the first ingredients you should consider ditching in your hair washing routine. These chemicals are added to formulas as foaming agents to form a lather - they are extremely harsh agents that strip your hair of its natural oils and nutrients.

The pH level of your shampoo also plays a huge part in how well your hair reacts to frequent washes. Be sure to use the lowest PH shampoo you can get - it keeps moisture in the hair, even if you are washing every day. More acidic formulas that sit further down the pH scale don’t strip the hair as harshly as ones that are more alkaline.

does the way you’re washing your HAIR affect how regular your washes are?

The most important thing to keep an eye on when you’re washing your hair (after the shampoo you’re using) is water temperature. While sulphates can strip your hair and scalp of its natural, moisturising oils, having the heat cranked up on your shower can do the same. The cooler the temperature of the water you rinse with, the better shape your hair will be in afterwards.

The temperature of your water is actually a really important element when it comes to your hair care routine. If your shower is too hot, the water removes all of the naturally-produced oils that strengthen your hair. A cold rinse at the end can actually maximise shine.


If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I always talk about Nioxin Shampoo and its benefits (Not a brand promotion!). Nioxin Shampoo uses advanced formulas to strengthen and protect thin hair while also making the hair you have look fuller and thicker. The shampoo for hair loss cleans out follicle-clogging sebum and damaging environmental agents, giving you a cleaner scalp that just feels healthier.


